118 Units in Norman, OK purchased for $7,500,000 on April 7, 2022. The average cash on cash on this deal is 8.26 %. We did a Freddie small balance loan at 3.59% with one year of interest only. The central strategy will be improving upon current operations and achieving our proforma rents within a few years. We will be running the property with about 1/2 of the staff effectively. Which will mean a decrease in operating costs. Our manager manages many nearby properties in case the property ever needs additional assistance. We are proposing an $80 rent bump over a two-year period. Most of this is bringing tenants to the market rates. We will also raise RUBS and any other fees where appropriate.

Radius Apartments


Meridian Place Apartments OKC - 69 Units


12th & Renaissance Apartments Norman, OK - 144 Units